AE Currie

About Anne Currie

Anne Currie is a technologist living in London and the CEO of training and consultancy firm Strategically Green

She is a regular writer and commenter for tech magazines, a frequent speaker on new technology, and devised & delivered the first Tech Ethics course for a major UK university, which was based on the same issues she covers in all her books in an attempt to avoid some of the same outcomes... 

She is a co-author of O'Reilly's new book on sustainability in tech Building Green Software.

Anne is always happy to chat on LinkedIn 

The Panopticon Series: Page-turning tech-thrillers that challenge everything you think you know about the future

Written by a veteran female tech insider, the Panopticon series is action-packed speculative science fiction about climate change, AI, surveillance, deep fakes, social media influence, the individual vs the state, and everything else that's going to disrupt humanity in the next two decades.

If you want to know what could happen next and want a book you can't put down, try the Panopticon series

5*: "thought provoking and intelligently written sci-fi that I couldn’t put down" 

5*: "Highly recommended"

5*: "Part thoughtful & reflective science fiction, part entertaining rollercoaster romp reminiscent of the best of Harry Harrison's Stainless Steel Rat, this is turning into a most excellent series"

Buy them now on Amazon

FREE! Read Chapter One of Utopia Five

What if privacy was outlawed? 

In 2025, the Panopticon was turned on. In 2053 someone wants to destroy it and they won't stop at murder.

Book 1: Utopia Five (UK, US, DE, FR, ES, IT, JP, CA)

Are some lives worth more than others? 

Why are citizens of the Panopticon disappearing? Is the mysterious Warlock of Conundra behind it?

Book 2: Conundra (UK, US, DE, FR, ES, IT, JP, CA)

If a robot kills a human, is it murder? 

When a moon colonist is killed by a worker, it threatens all of human society in space. 

Book 3: Denizen 43 (UK, US, DE, FR, ES, IT, JP, CA)

Who are you following?

On board the space craft The Sun Tzu, Lee and Nemo follow the mutinous Bismarck to Mars. Back home on Earth, Ray and Catterwade investigate a newly discovered rogue state - the Kingdom of ManX. 

Book 4: Dystopia X (UK, US, DE, FR, ES, IT, JP, CA)

How do you know what's true?

Lee and Nemo are trapped on Mars and a rebel leader is rising.  Who exactly is Darius of Mars and what does he really want?  

Book 5: Mars Insurgent (UK, US, DE, FR, ES, IT, JP, CA)

Who's whispering in your ear?

Lee and Nemo are back on Earth and they both need to hide from the Panopticon. The time has finally come to pay the price for what they have done.

Book 6: Heliotrope (UK, US, DE, FR, ES, IT, JP, CA)